Wordless Wednesday – Walking The Dog?

6 Responses to “Wordless Wednesday – Walking The Dog?”

  1. Milk Mama Says:

    LOL Creeeeeeepy! 😀

  2. Dawn- Sweet Pea Cakes, etc. Blog Says:

    That’s a bit crazy! Is it a toy or robot? Happy WW!

  3. Kmommy Says:

    🙂 That *is* a little on the creepy side. But since there’s a kid involved it’s quite adorable!

  4. Melissa Says:

    Awww! How Sweet 🙂

  5. mommy-fied Says:

    Believe it or not, its actually a balloon! It was so cute and my little girl liked it so hubby bought it for her. It was rather amusing seeing her treat it like a real pet. 🙂

  6. jaz3trio Says:

    LOL that looks familiar

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